Fred Rogers Fostered It... Are You?

Fred Rogers Fostered It... Are You?

"It's a real art to show who you are and how you feel in really healthy ways." - Fred Rogers 

Generation Mindful® early emotional learning tools bring Fred Roger's principles to life for educators and caregivers to foster supportive learning environment for kids. 

Our Time-In ToolKit® builds young children's emotional skills, guided by our belief that "kids do well if they can", a foundational concept from child psychologist Dr. Ross Greene. 

View impressive outcome data from the MO Institute of Mental Health. 

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Inclusive, Strength-Based Classroom Management

Inclusive, Strength-Based Classroom Management

92.7% of educators and therapists agree that GENM tools save time on classroom management.

[MO Institute of Mental Health]

There is a connection between punishment-based discipline, lost class time, and the many inequitable PreK suspensions that fuel the school-to-prison pipeline

GENM tools educate rather than punish children who are still learning to regulate their emotions.

  • Reduce Unwanted Behaviors In the Classroom
  • Decrease Teacher Burn-Out
  • Cost and Time-Effective Solutions
  • Simple Enough to Share with Families/Caregivers
  • CASEL's National SEL Standards Aligned

Play Is Learning

Play Is Learning

It's true! Research shows that play helps to stir up neuron activity in the front end of the brain—the part that plays a critical role in regulating emotions, making plans, and solving problems.

Play builds social brains that know how to interact with others in positive ways. That’s why creating little moments for PLAY-full connection is the top priority in our brain-based approach to building social and emotional skills in children and their caregivers.

Book a free 20-minute consultation today to learn more about Generation Mindful's 3-step approach to getting underneath challenging behaviors from young children in homes and schools by addressing the root cause -- namely, big emotions, unmet needs, and lagging skills.

Join GEN:M's Free Educator Hub

Join GEN:M's Free Educator Hub

As an educator invested in the emotional health of children and families, you'll get a ton of value from our free community:

  • Access exclusive content. We've designed Educator Hub to inspire SEL in the classroom and to help you bridge the home and school SEL gap.

  • Meet new people. Your fellow Hub members are as committed as you are in raising an emotionally healthy world. We have much to share with one another here in the Educator Hub.

  • Get results. As you dive into the GENM tools for SEL, you're going to see results. With tools, support, and community, lasting transformation is possible for the students and families we serve.

Join Today
Relational Approach to Skill-Building

Relational Approach to Skill-Building

Take a closer look at our approach:

  • Play-Based. Play-based learning is intrinsically motivating for both children and adults. 

  • Tangible Tools. Concrete, tangible tools are ideal for learners big and small. This includes young children who struggle with abstract concepts like emotions as well as adults today, many of whom were never taught about their feelings when they were young.

  • Relational Approach. As adults, we lead and guide children most powerfully by example. Our multi-generational approach to social-emotional learning recognizes the adult's need for tools and support to regulate their emotions before they can teach these skills to children.  

“GENM products are amazing tools that can help educators seamlessly embed SEL into their everyday practices. I've seen firsthand how easy it has been for my teachers to utilize their resources and have been astonished by our results.”

-Colby Heckendorn


“What a wonderful toolkit to intentionally build skills that allow our children to be resilient and to understand themselves and others!”

-Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

Psychotherapist, New York Times Bestseller

“Our program serves students who have been at school all day. We ask that they continue to be their best selves which isn’t always easy. GEN:M products have been helpful to create a safe space for feelings, quiet and calm.”

- Juli Rush

Director of Extended Programs

Explore GENM's Tools For Educators


Classroom Time-In ToolKit® Bundle

Save $79.00

Bridging Home & School Bundle

Save $550.00

School counselor Dusha Cecil shares her experience of working with young students that struggle to express their feelings.

Need our W9 to place your order? Download it here!

Help Bridge Social-Emotional Learning Into The Home!

We created this, "Dear Families..." letter to help you share our 3 Step approach for building social and emotional skills in the early childhood classroom with parents!

81% of educators say a lack of reinforcement at home is a big challenge for schools implementing SEL. 66% say it’s the biggest challenge.

“Time-outs and punishment for unwanted behaviors in the early childhood classroom are ineffective. As a long-time educator and therapist, I worked with so many adults who didn't know how to respond instead of react to challenging behaviors from young children... so I created a solution! Adults today have the science but often lack the skills and mindset necessary to raise children using strength-based or "restorative" discipline methods. Having tangible tools to guide these adults in their learning so they can better educate the children in their care, makes a huge difference in lowering teacher burnout and lost learning time due to suspensions.”

-Suzanne Tucker, Founder of Generation Mindful, on the Time-In ToolKit®