Tools, Toys, & Courses to Teach Kids Emotional Skills

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Nurture Emotional Intelligence

Play Based

Brain Building

Designed By Experts

Create a Calming Space to Teach Kids About Emotions

Create a Calming Space to Teach Kids About Emotions

Our Playful, Research-Based Tools Will Guide You Every Step of the Way!

Make Learning About Emotions Fun For Children Age 2-8+

Make Learning About Emotions Fun For Children Age 2-8+

Our Snuggly Learning Toys Teach Kids Emotional Regulation

Tame Your Triggers For Calm Connection With Kids

Tame Your Triggers For Calm Connection With Kids

Cyclebreaking Online Classes and Memberships For Parents & Professionals

What if “Stop crying” turned into “I’m listening” for an entire generation?

Generation Mindful® is on a mission to raise an emotionally healthy world. Our goal is to make teaching kids about emotions as mainstream as teaching kids their ABCs and 123s!

Shop By Age: Teach Kids Healthy Life Skills

Tools for Schools and Groups

Create a Supportive Learning Environment

When children feel safe and connected, they are ready and able to learn!

Time-In Toolkit®

The Time-In ToolKit® playfully teaches kids 2-9+ how to navigate big emotions through social emotional skill-building games. Developed by child-development experts, your ToolKit includes everything you need to start taking Time-Ins instead of Time-Outs with your little ones.

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With 1 Million Social Media Followers and growing, we're not a company, we are a movement! Together we are making it safe for kids to feel.

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Together We Are Raising an Emotionally Healthy World